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Gender-affirming care

Banner that reads Gender affirming care is life-saving healthcare with blue pink and white diaganolly across the background.

Whether you are transgender, non-binary, intersex, or somewhere else along the gender spectrum, your providers should understand that you know yourself best. Learn about the options you have as you interact with the systems and providers involved in gender-affirming care, provided by Jackson Care Connect.

Please note: We use medical terminology for clarity and ease of access when it comes to exploring gender-affirming surgery. We understand that you may not identify or feel comfortable using some of these terms to describe your experience and body.

What is gender-affirming care?

Gender-affirming care is healthcare that helps people feel more comfortable with their gender. Some people might not feel like the gender they were assigned at birth matches who they really are. Gender-affirming care helps them make changes to feel more like themselves. The goal of gender-affirming care is to help people feel happy and safe in their own bodies and be who they really are.

Click on a link below to view our gender-affirming care handout:

What type of gender-affirming care does Jackson Care Connect cover?

Jackson Care Connect’s coverage includes medically-necessary transition-related healthcare as established by the Oregon Health Plan and Oregon law (ORS 414.769). These services include coverage for puberty suppression, primary care and specialist doctor visits, mental health care visits, hormone therapy, electrolysis, top surgery, bottom surgery, body contouring, facial gender confirmation surgery, lab work, and more. 

Click on the arrows below for dropdown lists of covered medical and surgical services. If you have questions or don't see your desired care listed, please call Customer Service at at 541-500-0567, toll-free 855-722-8208 or TTY 711 for additional information. Please note: some services may require prior approval. 

Where can I find gender-affirming care?

Gender-affirming care providers have experience and training in working with people who are a wide variety of genders.

Jackson Care Connect contracts with many licensed behavioral health professionals, primary care doctors, specialists (such as endocrinologists), and surgeons who can provide gender-affirming care.

You can find a directory of providers on the CareOregon Gender affirming care webpage, in the “Where can I find gender-affirming care?” section.

Gender-affirming care directory

Oregon law (ORS 414.769) says that care organizations must make sure everyone can get gender-affirming treatment without long delays. If they can't provide care directly, they must help people find other providers who can offer gender-affirming services without waiting too long. 

Even though more types of gender-affirming treatment are now covered, getting care can still be hard, and waiting times can be very long. Specialized services, like surgeries, can take years from the time of referral to the actual service date. Waiting times are also long for treatments like electrolysis and other new services, as care organizations like Jackson Care Connect work to find enough providers.

If you need help getting services or want to learn more about what Jackson Care Connect offers, call Customer Service at 541-500-0567, toll-free 855-722-8208 or TTY 711.

What are the steps to accessing services?

1. Start with your primary care and mental health providers

They can help you with most everything from your initial gender dysphoria diagnosis to accessing hormone therapy, surgery, and other medical care. In some cases, it is necessary to have a referral from a primary care provider and a mental health provider in order to schedule a consult for surgery. You can search for providers in the Gender-affiirming care directory, or by calling Customer Service.

2. Familiarize yourself with medical interventions and what feels best for you

There are a variety of options available when it comes to hormonal and surgical interventions. Some surgeons in our network perform different surgeries and have different techniques they use for each. We recommend contacting a surgeon’s office to review surgery types, recovery timelines, considerations and risks, along with any other questions you may have. You also will want to confirm that any surgeon you plan to consult with is credentialed with the Oregon Health Authority to serve Medicaid patients.
Please note: hormonal and surgical intervention for people under 18 is limited and additional screening may be required.

3. Determine if getting a gender dysphoria diagnosis is appropriate or needed to access the care you want and if so, get it in writing

To get some gender-affirming treatments, like surgeries or electrolysis, you may need an assessment and a letter of support. These letters are sometimes called "assessment letters" or "letters of support." The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has updated guidelines called the Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8 (SOC8). These guidelines are used by Oregon's Health Evidence Review Commission and the Oregon Health Authority. SOC8 now says that only one letter is needed for surgery, instead of multiple letters. The letter doesn’t have to come from a mental health provider, but from a healthcare provider who has experience in gender-affirming care. However, it’s a good idea to check with the provider’s office to see exactly what they need.

In the past, a mental health provider had to do an evaluation to diagnose gender dysphoria. Only certain licensed professionals could write these letters for the Oregon Health Plan. Some clinics may still be using the old rules as they adjust to the new guidelines.

For more information on letters of support and assessment criteria, please reference WPATH SOC8

If you need help getting services or want to learn more about what Jackson Care Connect offers, call Customer Service at 541-500-0567, toll-free 855-722-8208 or TTY 711.

Additional Jackson Care Connect resources

Jackson Care Connect supports transition needs outside of medical interventions. Through social needs assistance, you can request support for certain items or services that aren’t covered under the Oregon Health Plan. These items and services must be consistent with your treatment plan, as developed by your primary care team or other treatment providers.

Some examples of items that can be requested are:

  • gender affirming clothing
  • binders
  • prosthetics
  • costs related to name changes
  • gender marker changes
  • identity documentation
  • and more

For more information and to make a request, please visit our other social needs support webpage.

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