2020 Oregon Health Plan Information for Providers
As we prepare for the changes coming from the state in Medicaid coverage for 2020, we wanted to provide updates on the current environment in Jackson County. We will continue to communicate updates as we get more information. Please don’t hesitate to call us with questions or concerns, at 503-416-5795.
On November 8, the OHA gave notice that more than 10,000 members of AllCare will be reassigned to Jackson Care Connect starting January 1, 2020. This decision was made due to changes in AllCare’s provider network. Members affected by this change have primary care providers who no longer have a contract with AllCare. OHA is shifting those members to Jackson Care Connect in order to preserve their current provider relationships.
Download a PDF of this information.
Will AllCare continue to serve OHP members in Jackson County?
Yes. AllCare still has relationships with some primary care providers in the county and will retain members served by those providers. In addition, AllCare has an agreement to refer OHP members to specialty care.If I have patients that are currently assigned to AllCare, what should they do?
The best thing to do is to wait to hear from OHA; however, if they have concerns, they can contact OHA at 800-273-0557. Please note, wait times are longer than usual. OHA will notify affected members about their reassignment to Jackson Care Connect — prior to when new coverage will take effect on January 1, 2020.
If you have other questions, visit OHA’s site for providers: https://www.oregon.gov/OHA/HSD/OHP/Pages/CCO-Changes.aspx
What does this mean for Jackson Care Connect?
Continuity with patients and providers is a priority for both OHA and Jackson Care Connect. We are actively working with OHA to ensure the smoothest transition possible, with minimal disruption. Jackson Care Connect is committed to coordinating quality care for all our members, and to support our provider partners.
We are prepared to serve an increased membership with additional staffing, customer service and financial resources. We can serve more members per month under our alternative payment models and have the capacity to increase our current membership.
What happens after January 1, 2020?
Our number one priority will continue to be supporting OHP members and our provider partners at the highest level. We are working with AllCare and OHA on plans to transition members affected by the change as smoothly as possible with minimal disruption.
Where I can find more information?
This is all the information we have from OHA at this time, and we will continue to share more online and through our clinical team as additional details become available. OHA is also hosting a CCO 2.0 provider webinar on November 21, 2020.
OHA CCO 2.0 provider webinar https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8728900070139531788
If you have questions around Jackson Care Connect’s benefits or transition plan, contact Provider Relations at 503-416-5795.
Or, submit a question online at http://jacksoncareconnect.org/for-providers
Member Choice
Members who will be reassigned to Jackson Care Connect will receive a letter from OHA. That letter will show options for the member choice period. That period is January 1 through March 31, 2020.. All OHP members have the option to choose another CCO once a year.”
As a reminder, PrimaryHealth of Josephine CCO members received a letter from OHA informing them that they have been assigned to a new CCO as of January 1, 2020. If they wish to change from their assigned CCO, members should refer to the instructions in the letter they received.
Members can call OHP at 800-273-0557 or visit ohp.oregon.gov for more information. They can also call Jackson Care Connect Customer Service at 541-500-0567 or toll-free at 855-722-8208 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday) to get help with any questions.The OHA has posted two new fact sheets for providers that may be found at the following links:
Continuity of Care
Marketing to Oregon Health Plan Members
November 21 Provider Webinar:
View the Video
View the Slides